Rise of Hindu Nationalism: Impact of Domestic Environment on International Relations
This article briefly examines the rise of Hindu nationalism, its role in the formulation of the domestic environment and assesses its impact on the international relations of India. Since the ascendance of Modi to power,the involvement of RSS in Indian politics and governmental affairs has increased manifold. Curbs on civil society, NGOs, and media freedom have been noticed by independent observers. Hate speech and the enactment of laws to marginalize space for minorities are common happenings. This article has incorporated an integrative review technique while working under an overall design of qualitative research methodology. It is observed that India's erstwhile secular credentials are endangered due to the assault of the Hindutva wave on freedom of expression, civil society, and minorities. The dominance of the BJP and the autocratic behavior of Modi have affected the domestic environment of India thus impacting India's international relations, especially with herneighbours.
Hindu Nationalism, Domestic Environment, Foreign Policy, International Relations
(1) Javed Hassan Hashmi
Ph.D. Scholar, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan
(2) Waseem Ishaque
Director, Area Studies China, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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APA : Hashmi, J. H., & Ishaque, W. (2021). Rise of Hindu Nationalism: Impact of Domestic Environment on International Relations. Global International Relations Review, IV(IV), 32-42. https://doi.org/10.31703/girr.2021(IV-IV).04
CHICAGO : Hashmi, Javed Hassan, and Waseem Ishaque. 2021. "Rise of Hindu Nationalism: Impact of Domestic Environment on International Relations." Global International Relations Review, IV (IV): 32-42 doi: 10.31703/girr.2021(IV-IV).04
HARVARD : HASHMI, J. H. & ISHAQUE, W. 2021. Rise of Hindu Nationalism: Impact of Domestic Environment on International Relations. Global International Relations Review, IV, 32-42.
MHRA : Hashmi, Javed Hassan, and Waseem Ishaque. 2021. "Rise of Hindu Nationalism: Impact of Domestic Environment on International Relations." Global International Relations Review, IV: 32-42
MLA : Hashmi, Javed Hassan, and Waseem Ishaque. "Rise of Hindu Nationalism: Impact of Domestic Environment on International Relations." Global International Relations Review, IV.IV (2021): 32-42 Print.
OXFORD : Hashmi, Javed Hassan and Ishaque, Waseem (2021), "Rise of Hindu Nationalism: Impact of Domestic Environment on International Relations", Global International Relations Review, IV (IV), 32-42
TURABIAN : Hashmi, Javed Hassan, and Waseem Ishaque. "Rise of Hindu Nationalism: Impact of Domestic Environment on International Relations." Global International Relations Review IV, no. IV (2021): 32-42. https://doi.org/10.31703/girr.2021(IV-IV).04