http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/girr.2022(V-IV).01      10.31703/girr.2022(V-IV).01      Published : Dec 2022
Authored by : Samza Fatima , Syed Kaleem Imam , Mohsin Raza

01 Pages : 1-12


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    APA : Fatima, S., Imam, S. K., & Raza, M. (2022). Emerging Trends of West phobia in Muslim Societies and Islamophobia in Western Societies: Reasons and Remedies. Global International Relations Review, V(IV), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.31703/girr.2022(V-IV).01
    CHICAGO : Fatima, Samza, Syed Kaleem Imam, and Mohsin Raza. 2022. "Emerging Trends of West phobia in Muslim Societies and Islamophobia in Western Societies: Reasons and Remedies." Global International Relations Review, V (IV): 1-12 doi: 10.31703/girr.2022(V-IV).01
    HARVARD : FATIMA, S., IMAM, S. K. & RAZA, M. 2022. Emerging Trends of West phobia in Muslim Societies and Islamophobia in Western Societies: Reasons and Remedies. Global International Relations Review, V, 1-12.
    MHRA : Fatima, Samza, Syed Kaleem Imam, and Mohsin Raza. 2022. "Emerging Trends of West phobia in Muslim Societies and Islamophobia in Western Societies: Reasons and Remedies." Global International Relations Review, V: 1-12
    MLA : Fatima, Samza, Syed Kaleem Imam, and Mohsin Raza. "Emerging Trends of West phobia in Muslim Societies and Islamophobia in Western Societies: Reasons and Remedies." Global International Relations Review, V.IV (2022): 1-12 Print.
    OXFORD : Fatima, Samza, Imam, Syed Kaleem, and Raza, Mohsin (2022), "Emerging Trends of West phobia in Muslim Societies and Islamophobia in Western Societies: Reasons and Remedies", Global International Relations Review, V (IV), 1-12
    TURABIAN : Fatima, Samza, Syed Kaleem Imam, and Mohsin Raza. "Emerging Trends of West phobia in Muslim Societies and Islamophobia in Western Societies: Reasons and Remedies." Global International Relations Review V, no. IV (2022): 1-12. https://doi.org/10.31703/girr.2022(V-IV).01